Ordinary People is a testament to the latent power in the common man. In this song, Cobhams Asuquo calls to everyone to give to the best of their ability in the daily journey of life.
This is a message delivered straight from the heart of one who knows; Cobhams was born blind and has achieved all he has by sheer determination, willpower and faith in God.
'...We are all ordinary people with ordinary desires, demands, strengths and expectations: but we are all capable of doing extra-ordinary things..." Cobhams Asuquo
Ordinary People - Cobhams Asuquo (Lyrics included)
Cobhams Asuquoordinary peopleCAMPOrdinary People (Composition)Ordinary People (Film)ordinary people nigerian songordinary people christian songcobhams asuquo music productionmusic producerchristian musicnigerian musicthe 700 clubordinary people cobhams asuquoordinary people cobhamsordinary people cobyCobhams Asuquo (Person)cobhams asuquo songs1 jan 2014Christianity (Religion)popchristian contemporarynew music