What a privilege it has been to have featured so many wonderful guests on this show! I have had so much fun connecting with such a wide-ranging group of people, all from different walks of life, and each one bringing their unique knowledge from a different area of expertise to the table. In part 2 of Highlights from Get Over Yourself, I’ll be sharing the standout quotes and moments from previous shows. Here we go!
Toréa Rodriguez is a health coach and life coach and we covered a lot of interesting topics in her episode. She also happens to be a tremendous source of knowledge when it comes to dark chocolate! See the show notes for links to my favorite chocolate companies right now.
Mike Mutzel has some awesome YouTube videos. Some highlights from his episode:
“If you’re active, you don’t need to fast as much, or as long.”
“When you underdo calories, sometimes that’s just as unhealthy as overdoing them.”
Dr. Wendy Walsh is a 2017 Time magazine co-person of the year and host of the Mating Matters podcast. Here’s one incredible insight she made during her episode: “I actually think kids are not being put first. What I see are parents in their own narcissistic adult lives, and not making the necessary sacrifices for their kids….Stop, grow up, and be an adult for 20 years.”
Joel Jamieson has been shaking up the fitness world for a long time with his radical notion that athletes are training too hard and need to emphasize rest and recovery! Another thing I love about Joel’s fitness regimen is his emphasis on “rebound workouts” as they will actually help you speed up recovery, and are way more effective than just sitting on the couch and doing nothing. He is a true pioneer in his field, so be sure to take a look at his website and listen to his Get Over Yourself episode here.
It was so great to have Rick Mouw, president of Almost Heaven saunas (my absolute favorite brand of sauna) on the show. We talked about the health benefits that come from intense sweating, and he shared his favorite tip for taking the sauna experience to the next level, by incorporating essential oils (he suggests eucalyptus!) into your sauna experience. He also revealed that sweating in a sauna can also help with skin conditions like acne and psoriasis, and even improves skin tone!
My shows with Dr. Tommy Wood (part 1 and the second part here) are full of many helpful insights. Some of the best advice he offers is also the simplest, like “Eat real food” and “Spend less time sitting. Walk more.” He also talks about the book The Myth of Stress, so add that to your reading list!
Dr. John Gray: “There’s nothing more powerful than a great sex life.”
John has a truly special way of fusing the spiritual with the scientific, and it was such a treat to interview him three times. Not only is he an absolute expert in his field, but he has the most phenomenally inquisitive mind, and that makes our conversations so informative and enjoyable. Check out his Get Over Yourself episodes (here, here, and here) because you definitely do not want to miss what he has to say!
Amberly Lago. If you want inspiration, look no further than Amberly, the author of True Grit and Grace: Turning Tragedy into Triumph. Her episode is a master class in mindfulness, and you will be in awe of her resilience and strength when you hear her story. Amberly talks about the terrible car accident she got into; how she refused to let doctors amputate her leg and instead endured 34 surgeries, and then unfortunately contracted Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome. She shares how, after her accident, she created a “toolbox” out of necessity, in order to cope with the reality of dealing with chronic pain daily. One of Amberly’s great pieces of advice is: “It’s okay to rest, just not quit.”
Scott Carney, author of What Doesn't Kill Us: How Freezing Water, Extreme Altitude, and Environmental Conditioning Will Renew Our Lost Evolutionary Strength. During Scott’s Get Over Yourself episode, we talked about cold therapy, his fascinating book, and how people are “addicted to the idea of comfort.” Scott points out that, “In the last 150 years, we basically factored out discomfort from our lives. And that has, shock of shocks, made our bodies weaker.”
Ashley Merryman. Ashley is a mega bestselling author and we had a great time getting into a conversation about kids, parenting methods, “effort-based praise,” and pursuing peak performance. Ashley really likes to challenge conventional methods and wisdom, and is more focused on improvement, on making continued effort towards improvement, over anything else.
Enjoy checking out these shows that you may have missed, or may just want a refresher on, and don’t forget to look through the show links if you want to try some of the chocolate brands I recommended for yourself!
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