The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has filed a chargesheet against Sanjay Raut, a Shiv Sena MP, in connection with the Covid jumbo centre scam. The chargesheet mentions that Pravin Raut, reportedly a close friend and aide of Sanjay Raut, made a payment of Rs 55 lakh from the proceeds of crime through his wife's account to Sanjay Raut's wife Varsha.In another case, Sanjay Raut's aide Sujit Patkar has been arrested by the ED in connection with the Covid-19 Centres Scam.The ED claims that out of the around Rs 32 crore spent by the BMC in the Covid jumbo centre scam, Rs 6.2 crore was siphoned off.The chargesheet mentions that the accused used Sanjay Raut's reference to influence a senior BMC official.
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