The real pruning action begins here in part 2 as I style my Serissa bonsai to look like an African Acacia tree!
To take a look at this tree 8 years ago, click on the playlist here....
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My Serissa Bonsai, Part 2, The Bonsai Zone, June 2021
bonsaipenjingAfrican style bonsaiSerissa foetida bonsaiSerissa bonsaiAcacia style bonsaiserissa penjinglandscape bonsailandscape penjingThe bonsai ZoneNigel SaundersNigel Saunders bonsaiNigel Saunders penjingAfrican landscapebonsai root basenigel saunders re pottingThe Bonsai ZoneSerissa foetidapruning serissa bonsaibonsai updatesstyling serissa bonsaitree of a thousand starsindoor bonsaitropical bonsaiclip and grow bonsai