Common breastfeeding myths debunked!
💥 Myth: Breastfeeding is easy and natural.
Fact : Breastfeeding can be challenging for a lot of mothers and babies. Right education at least during the pregnancy itself will help in overcoming this challenge.
💥 Myth: It is usual for breastfeeding to hurt, sore nipples are a normal part of breastfeeding.
Fact: Pain during breastfeeding and sore nipples may be due to improper latch or any underlying issue like infection etc., It is wise to get professional help.
💥 Myth: You should wash your nipples before breastfeeding.
Fact: Montgomery glands around the nipple produce a substance that auto cleanses the nipple and areola naturally. It also has good bacteria and produces a smell that helps the baby identify your nipple and latch properly. Newborns are more dependent on their reflexes and stimuli rather than sight of breast due to underdeveloped vision.
💥Myth: Many mothers can’t produce enough milk.
Fact: Almost every mother produces milk for their baby. Milk production is determined by - how well baby latches, how frequent the baby feeds, how efficiently the baby removes milk in each feed. In case issues in any of these, seek guidance and support from professionals.
💥 Myth: You shouldn't breastfeed if you’re sick.
Fact: The antibodies your body makes to treat your disease or illness will pass on to your baby, so usually it is advisable to continue breastfeeding depending on their illnesses. Make sure you get the needed treatment, rest, hydration and food.
💥Myth: Babies who have been breastfed are clingy.
Fact: Breastfed babies are held a lot and breastfeeding has shown to enhance bonding with their mother. This bonding also helps their tiny brains to develop well. But then all babies are different.
💥 Myth: It's hard to wean a baby breastfed for more than a year.
Fact: No evidence for the above statement, but there is evidence of benefits for both mom and baby in breastfeeding for 2 yrs and beyond. It's upto the mom and baby's convenience to wean at any given point in time.
💥 Myth: You go back to work, you’ll have to wean your baby.
Fact: It depends on the national policies and employer policies. If you have the right to time and a place to breastfeed during working hours, you may be able to go home and breastfeed, ask a family member or friend to bring your baby to you, or to express your milk and take it home. If you don’t have the option to breastfeed during working hours, look for moments during the day to express your milk and then feed your baby directly when you are at home. If you decide to give your baby a breastmilk substitute for some feeds, it still very good to continue breastfeeding whenever you are with your baby.
💥 Myth: Colustrum is bad milk. It needs to be thrown.
Fact: Rich in antibodies, fats which is essential for babies immunity and development.
💥 Myth: Exercise will affect the taste of your milk.
Fact: It's healthy. No evidence that exercise changes the milk taste.
💥 Myth: Mother should only eat bland and plain food during breastfeeding.
Fact: Breastfeeding mothers need to eat a balanced diet. There is no need to change food habits. Babies are exposed to their mothers’ food preferences from the womb. If a mother feels that her baby has a reaction to specific foods, it is best to consult a specialist.
💕Happy breastfeeding!
💕Happy parenting!
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