‘Lagot Ka, Isusumbong Kita’ is a situational comedy series that follows the chaotic but fun lives of Mamita (Pilita Corrales) and her troublesome sons named Tsong (Joey Marquez), Junior (Benjie Paras), Ric (Richard Gomez), and Toto (Raymart Santiago) in Brgy. Kuli-Kuli.
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Lagot Ka, Isusumbong Kita: Full Episode 2
GMA NetworkYouLOLYouLOL GMALagot Ka Isusumbong KitaLagot Ka Isusumbong Kita GMALagot Ka Isusumbong Kita Full EpisodeMaureen LarrazabalBearwin MeilyToni GonzagaNancy CastiglioneGladys GuevarraCogie DomingoPilita CorralesJoey MarquezBenjie ParasRichard GomezRaymart Santiagolagot ka isusumbong kita full episodeslagot ka isusumbong kita sitcomlagot ka isusumbong kita episode 2gma 7toni gonzaga gmalagot ka isusumbong kita toni gonzaga