Because birds do not have teeth to chew their food, birds collect little bits of gravel which collect in a special muscular organ called the gizzard. The gizzard contains hard keratinized plates, and while the keratinized plates are capable of grinding seeds on their own, the addition of gravel/grit increases its ability to more thoroughly crush and grind food into an easier to digest form. Vitamins and minerals are thus made more available and readily absorbed with less energy required. Birds not given grit will often have watery droppings, be underweight and lethargic.
Although bird feed mixes often contain several different seeds which may make up a balanced diet, birds tend to pick through the seed mix for their favorites. As a result, birds may be vitamin and mineral deficient when given a seed diet only. Grit is less necessary if birds are given pelletized food as each pellet is fortified with vitamins and minerals and nutritionally balanced.
Significance of Calcium
Naturally occurring calcium such as in limestone or gypsum, as well as direct sources of calcium such as pieces of egg shell, snail shell, bone fragments, and/or seashells are ingested and utilized for their vitamin and mineral properties. Grit inside the gizzard naturally wears down and releases minerals into the bloodstream over time.
Vitamin D3, Phosphorus and Calcium are critical for growing and adult birds. Birds obtain vitamin D3 through two different routes: by ingestion of it in feed/grit or by exposure to sunlight. Calcium supplements should include phosphorus and Vitamin D3 as they increase the absorption of Calcium in the body.
Hens require extra calcium for bones and egg production. A captive hen not provided with supplemental calcium will utilize calcium from her bone, which over time will cause osteoporosis (softening/weakening of bone). Egg shells may begin to soften and the hen risks becoming egg bound (a soft-shelled egg is stuck inside the hen’s oviduct).
Growing chicks also have a high calcium demand as their bones are growing rapidly. In severe or prolonged cases of vitamin D/Calcium/Phosphorus deficiency, chicks are unable to walk and may die of suffocation as their bones cannot support the muscle movements required for breathing. In marginal cases, the chicks have a stiff gait, decreased growth and eventual bone deformities, especially in the legs (this is referred to as Rickets).
A Racing Homer is a pigeon with very good memory.
They are raced between hundreds of birds at a time released anywhere from 100 KM to sometimes 700 KM from there home.
Then when they are home, a electric ring on there foot is put on a clock that then stops the time.
The fastest pigeon home wins a prize being anything from a Certificate,trophy to money or a Car, all depending on what the Club gives you as a prize!
Believe in basket/train your bird/Let the Basket and Races Cull For You
The only fair and impartial methods of selecting intelligence that gives true satisfaction and results are the training basket and long races.
In my opinion, no individual can measure mentality and the degree of homing instinct of a bird from looking at it, feeling or handling it, or looking into it’s eyes. Don’t waste your time or money! You already have the best graders in the world, “The Basket” and “Long Races”.
Over the past years, I have had several famous fanciers and graders visit my loft. Their differences of opinion were so great that what one called a champion, the other called a cull. This only strengthened our opinion that no one human being can evaluate nor grade your pigeons. Those that profess this ability have done more harm than good to our sport over the years.
"Pigeons are dumb.
"They poop on people's heads."
"They smell."
That's what some people say about pigeons. In fact, that's what a lot of people say about these birds.
But did you ever notice that pigeons come in so many colors and feather patterns? Did you ever notice their shiny, rainbow-like neck feathers or their red feet? Did you ever notice the interesting way that pigeons coo and strut?
The fact is, pigeons are special. They are special because there is such variety in the way they look. Blue Jays all look very much alike, and so do robins and cardinals. But find a flock of pigeons and you will see white ones and gray ones. You will see pigeons with blue-gray feathers and pigeons with red feathers. You will see solid-colored pigeons and speckled pigeons. Look long enough and you will be able to tell them apart, give them names, and get to know their habits.
Grit mix with minerals | Racing homer Pigeon
Racing homerfeather and furhoming pigeonHyderabadi racing homerdpsctraining homing pigeonAU racing homerCanada homer pigeonontario racing homerindian racing homerchennai racing homerbangalore racing homerkarnataka racing homerkrpcvhpa racing homerkrph racing homernetherlands pigeonBelgium racing homerracing homer Germanyvrpa indiairpaHHPCNMRPACHPFARPSTNRPACRPCCRPOKRPAGRPCVRPSKGF PIGEONGPRSTHPATRPSHRPAPHPARRPCCU