Understanding what a DBA is and why you might need one is crucial to your business’ success and protection. [ Ссылка ] DBA — or Doing Business As – is something sole proprietors and LLCs can use to operate their business under different names. Also called a fictitious business name, an assumed name and trade name, DBAs allow business owners to remarket their business legally ([ Ссылка ] ).
However, DBAs do not have legal protection, meaning if you aren’t an LLC your business could be held liable for a variety of issues. Plus, DBAs alone won’t secure you rights to your alternative name. However all this can be avoided by forming an LLC! LLCs can use DBAs in the same way sole proprietorships can, but with the added benefit of legal protection ([ Ссылка ]).
Learn how to file your DBA online here: [ Ссылка ]
00:01 DBA vs LLC
00:16 What a DBA is – and isn’t
00:28 State information
00:33 What a DBA Doesn’t Protect You From
00:39 Filing a DBA When You Have an LLC
00:46 DBA Name Protection
00:58 Incorporate Today with Incfile’s $0 LLC Formation Package
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