Video: Arrived Lijiang from Dali, excellent environment protection efforts by Yunnan Gov’t, clean air & blue skies. Miao taxi driver provided us with excellent history on Yunnan in the 20 minutes rides from train station to hotel. We found no homeless, streets are clean, people courteous when we asked for directions. Almost everything here priced 60-70% less than US. Unlike US, minorities are treated well with no discrimination.
Being here in China especially those come to China for the first time found western negative news on China fake. I found no restrictions on freedom of speech, people here are as free if not more free than America especially when we can walk the streets after midnight or ride any public transport without worrying about hate crimes we experience in America because of our skin color.
從大理到達麗江,雲南政府的環保工作做得很好,空氣清新,天空蔚藍。從火車站到飯店 20 分鐘車程,苗族的計程車司機為我們介紹了雲南的精彩歷史。不像美國,我們沒有發現無家可歸者,街道很乾淨,當我們問路時人們很有禮貌。這裡幾乎所有東西的價格都比美國便宜 60-70%。與美國不同,少數族裔受到很好的對待,沒有受到歧視。
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