Embark on a journey deep into the heart of Finnish wilderness under the mesmerizing northern lights. This documentary explores the intricate relationship between humans and predators, including the elusive wolverine, lynx, bear, and wolf, in this breathtaking, spectacular environment.
Witness the challenges and triumphs of coexistence in one of Europe's last great wild areas.
Experience the beauty and complexity of Finnish nature as we delve into the lives of these magnificent creatures and the people who share their home.
Discover how responsible tourism in Lapland can support both wildlife and local communities.
Filmed by Studio Publivox.
Directed, edited & Filmed by Sami J Kosonen.
Assistant Videographers: Arvi Tyni, Sari Viren, Panu Orell.
Music by Studio Publivox & Epidemic Sound.
Publivox's songs composed by Kose Kosonen.
Special Thanks to Raija & Ossi Tuuliaisen Säätiö
Thanks to hikers: Romppainen Family & H Korhonen.
Filmed in 2020-2024
Released in 2025.
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