The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever builds a Mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a similar house in Jannah.” Please donate now & help us establish a Norwegian Masjid & Dawah center: [ Ссылка ]
You will get the reward of all those who are:
✅ Praying in the Masjid and worshipping Allah.
✅ Converting to Islam.
✅ Coming closer to Allah.
✅ Learning the Noble Quran and becoming Hafidhs of the Book of Allah.
✅ Brought up with Islamic education from childhood.
✅ Learning Arabic, the language of the Quran.
✅ Studying the religion of Allah and becoming Imams and leaders in our community.
✅ Learning Dawah and calling people to Islam.
➡️ Donate NOW ➡️ [ Ссылка ] ⬅️
This Masjid & Dawah center will in sha Allah help young Muslims renew their love for Islam. It will have youth programs, Quran classes, Islamic education, and so much more to elevate the message of Islam in the country of Norway. Will you be so kind and help us?
The Prophet ﷺ said about the house in Jannah: “(In it are) Bricks of gold and silver, mortar of fragrant musk, pebbles of pearl and sapphire, and soil of saffron. Whoever enters it is filled with joy and will never feel miserable; he will live there forever and will never die; their clothes will never wear out and their youth will never fade.” (Musnad Ahmed)
Would you not like to get such a house for just donating a small amount in the way of Allah?
➡️ Donate NOW ➡️ [ Ссылка ] ⬅️
Some people take certain incidents from the life of prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), out of context with the intention to hide the truth about this great man (peace be upon him). They want the world to hate the Final Prophet of God so they do these acts of deception. One of the things they accuse God's Last Messenger of, is being a Jew slaughterer since he approved of the capital punishment for 6-700 Jews after the Banu Quraydah. It is true that a certain group of people were executed, but these were the worst of the worst criminals. They were not executed due to their faith, they were executed for planning to kill the Muslims and they were betraying the Muslims in war so the enemies of Islam could exterminate all the Muslims. It is proven from the Qur'an and the authentic narrations of The Prophet of God (peace be upon him), that he was the most merciful of all people! So for these criminals to be punished in this way means that their crime was of the worst kind. Listen to Sh. Khalid Yasin elaborate in this matter in more detail.
Noen mennesker tar visse hendelser fra livet til profeten Muhammed (fred være med ham), ut av sammenheng med den hensikt å skjule sannheten om denne store mannen (fred være med ham). De vil at verden skal hate den siste Profeten av Gud, så derfor gjør de disse handlinger av bedrageri. En av tingene de anklager Guds siste Sendebud for, er å være en jøde-slakter siden han godkjente dødsstraff for 6-700 jøder etter Banu Quraydah. Det er sant at en viss gruppe mennesker ble henrettet, men disse var de verste av de verste kriminelle. De ble ikke henrettet på grunn av sin tro, ble de henrettet for deres planer om å drepe muslimene og fordi de forrådte muslimene i krig så islams fiender kunne utrydde alle muslimene. Det er bevist fra Koranen og autentiske beretninger at Guds Profet (fred være med ham), var den mest barmhjertige av alle mennesker! Så det at disse kriminelle ble straffet på denne måten betyr at deres forbrytelser var av verste slag. Lytt til Sh. Khalid Yasin utdype denne saken i mer detalj.
(Norsk) #IslamNet #IslamQAV #Islam
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