Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on 18th May announced financial compensation for families whose sole breadwinner died due to Covid-19, free education for kids who lost both parents due to the killer virus, and also free rations to poor families struggling during the pandemic-induced lockdown.
CM Kejriwal announced, "We may not be able to repair the loss of a loved one. But we can definitely help you out in this dark hour. Any family that has had a Covid death will get ex gratia of ₹50,000."
The Delhi Chief Minister also announced free rations to poor families struggling during the Covid-19 crisis and lockdown. He said poor families would get 10 kg of rations free this month and that families who had lost their sole breadwinner will get a pension of ₹2,500 every month.
Music by: Infados by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. [ Ссылка ]
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