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In this tale from the cave, Adam recaps a recent weekend build he couldn't resist making: a storage rack for his collection of favorite staplers and nailers. From his trusty T50 staple gun to pneumatic staplers that he's been favoring lately, these shelves needed to hold nailers of all sizes. And that's where Adam ran into an unexpected problem. Let's hear him tell the story!
Shot by Gunther Kirsch and edited by Norman Chan
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Tested is:
Adam Savage [ Ссылка ]
Norman Chan [ Ссылка ]
Simone Giertz [ Ссылка ]
Joey Fameli [ Ссылка ]
Gunther Kirsch [ Ссылка ]
Ryan Kiser [ Ссылка ]
Jen Schachter [ Ссылка ]
Kishore Hari [ Ссылка ]
Sean Charlesworth [ Ссылка ]
Jeremy Williams [ Ссылка ]
Kayte Sabicer [ Ссылка ]
Bill Doran [ Ссылка ]
Ariel Waldman [ Ссылка ]
Darrell Maloney [ Ссылка ]
Kristen Lomasney [ Ссылка ]
Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman
Thanks for watching!
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Adam Savage's Nailer and Stapler Storage Rack
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