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“It is a capital mistake to theorize, before one has data” – Sherlock Holmes.
Data are valuable information, and it will always tell you the right answer. If you can’t find an answer, run a test. This is where A/B testing – one of the most effective ways to make measurable and scientific improvements to your online presence - comes in. What is A/B testing? Why and how to do it? Hit play, sit back, and learn how to increase conversion rates through the roof.
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What is A/B testing?
You get it. A/B testing is a practice that takes two different versions of a piece of content to a control group, and then measures the performance. The test is run simultaneously to equally sized audiences, and the page that performs better (gets more conversions) is the winner.
What should I test?
-Main Landing Pages
The Main Landing Page is the first page people hit on your site (often determined by Google organic traffic). Remember however - this isn’t necessarily the homepage of your site.
-Conversion (SEM) pages
These are pages that advertising or campaigns send traffic to, with the goal of ‘converting’ people to take action.
-Page Templates
These can be types of content like blog posts that are all laid out in a similar way, making it easy to add a component to the page designed to ‘convert’ visitors.
What happens when I make a menu change, or add something to the header? What happens when I change the color of the “Sign-up” button? A/B testing will help you find an answer to all of those questions.
What is the most important component of A/B testing?
Copy! Say it with me – content is king. If there is no text on your site, people won’t do what you want them to do. Here are some things to remember with regards to copy:
1. One call to action is better than multiple calls to action.
2. Be concise, use bullets.
3. Copy should influence decision.
How should it look?
Design is crucial. You should definitely have a designer on your team (we have one here at Whole Whale – Ann, she’s awesome). Here are some guidelines when thinking about how your site should look like:
1. Design for one action – we only want people from our audience to do one thing.
2. Simplicity/K.I.S.S – Keep It Simple Stupid. Remove all unnecessary distractions.
3. Color consistency and contrast – these are all your friends. For example, make sure that your “action” button is a high contrast color so it’s easy to see and people can pick it out quickly.
4. Mobile friendly – if your page is not mobile friendly…then…I don’t even know. People on mobile devices, are people too. They can convert…I promise.
5. Use hero images – The Good: babies, dogs, active happy kids, eye contact. The Bad: feet, busy photos, unrelated stock photos.
Where to start?
Just do it! The only way you can mess this up is by not doing anything. Don’t wait 6 months to start an A/B test. Do it now. In the video above we provided you with the most crucial steps to get you going, so now that you’ve watched it, you have no excuses. We A/B believe in you! Let us know how you did - send us any comments or questions below, or on Twitter @WholeWhale.
Whole Whale is a digital agency that leverages data and technology to increase the impact of nonprofits. In the same way the Inuits used every part of whale, Whole Whale leverages existing resources to see, "What else can this do for us?"
By using data analysis, digital strategy, web development, and training, WW builds a 'Data Culture' within every nonprofit organization they work with.
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A/B Testing Tutorial: A Short How-To Guide
Conversion PageDesign (Industry)Nonprofitsa/b testingWeb DevelopmentAnalysisWWTVsearch engine optimizationHow-to (Website Category)OptimizelyTraining (Industry)SEMconversion rateab testingseoLanding PageData (Website Category)Guide (Profession)Page TemplateDigitalTechnologyGoogleA/B Testing (Software Genre)ab testing tutorialab testing exampleab testing google analytics