In this episode...
Jime Litwalk and Ron Givens do a collaboration tattoo on a lucky client. After Jime and Ron worked with the client on the idea they both worked on a Batman Pez dispenser design the client was very happy to get tattooed.
This was an awesome opportunity to work with two amazing artists.
Make sure to check them out on instagram to see more of their work @jimelitwalk @ronstafari
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Needle Boys is created, produced, filmed, and edited by -
Eli Ellison (Ravens Court Films)
The content in this video and all Needle Boys videos on Youtube is original and created by Ravens Court Films unless stated otherwise.
Jime Litwalk, Ron Givens Tattoo Timelapse
clint cummingscody dresserzach renchluis martinezdanny elliotchris juddsparrows tattoomansfieldtexasdallasarlingtontattoo nightmares miamitattoo nightmaresink masterinkmasterteam mohawkinkinkedspiketelevisiontvviacom495failepicawesomeseasononetwoportraitnew schooltraditionaljime litwalkron givensbatmantimelapsetimelapsetattoo timelapse