Farmers in any agricultural region strive to use arable land carefully and accumulate organic matter in the soil while reducing costs for plant protection products and mineral fertilizers. The use of binary or multicomponent crops, which give good results with various crop cultivation technologies, is one way to achieve this result.
Binary crops are a technology of growing two or more agricultural crops simultaneously on one area. The soil in binary crops is better covered and shaded, preventing overheating in hot summer conditions, which means beneficial soil organisms function better.
To maintain soil fertility, it is advisable to grow mixed agrocenoses of legumes and cereals, which form a dense cenosis with stable productivity over the years, often surpassing the yield of components in monoculture. High plant productivity in mixed crops can be achieved with an appropriate leaf area and optimal formation, influenced by the rational use of mineral nutrition elements. The most significant cenosis-unifying factor is the relationship and interaction between plants and environmental conditions, primarily their competitive relationships arising from survival struggles when growing together on limited land with restricted resources.
For those just starting to use binary crops in their farms, it is essential to remember the main principles of selecting crops and varieties for their region. It is important to sow in well-prepared, weed-free soil; otherwise, it will be challenging to select herbicides for both crops. Additionally, be prepared for the positive result not to be immediate, so it is advisable to first test the chosen pair of crops on small plots.
Binary sowing in high stubble [2024]
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