Title Update #5 arrives July 6th with new content for Online Mode and Season Pass owners.
This update will release our new story expansion, Watch Dogs: Legion – Bloodline.
Discover the story that occurs before the events of Watch Dogs: Legion featuring the return of two Watch Dogs legacy characters, Aiden Pearce and Wrench.
In addition to the main story missions, Season Pass owners will have the possibility to play Aiden or Wrench in both Campaign and Online Mode.
Bloodline is included in the Season Pass and available to purchase separately (requires the base game).
Watch Dogs: Legion – Title Update #5 Overview
2020ActionAiden PearceAlbionAssassin's CreedBehind the scenesBloodline TrailerForwardGTAGameHackHackerLondonNext-GenOctoberPCPS4PS5Play As AnyoneReclaim Your FutureRecruitResistanceStadiaStealthStreamUKUbiforwardUbisoftUplayWatch DogsWatch Dogs: LegionWrenchXboxXbox Series SXbox Series XZero-Daycarscyberpunkfuturegrannyhackinglet's playmust-buyopen-worldrecruitmenttrailerwelcome to the resistance