My protégé has written a new blog post about Despacho Ceremony and all the ways you are able to make them, and asked me if I had any images because she couldn't find any.
So I ended up stumbling into a whole lot of memories, and a whole lot of why the hell did I screen shot so much lol.
Even entire conversations between me and whoever I was over analyzing at the moment, because of how insecure and fearful I was leaving my toxic home. I can't believe how long it has been.
I also found my mom and I together in a photo which is rarer than rare to happen with her.
I was able to also see a transformation happen over the last several years, I went from a meme a holic with every wound wide open and vulnerable, which unfortunately led to a lot more of those who hunt on prey to get a piece of me.
As much as I see a lot of growth I also see a lot of things to still hit head on and clear away.
one step at a time ♡
I typed in Despacho on my Facebook and stumbled on this video because of the tie it had to one of my more recent Despacho ceremonies.
it is funny I have been being called to work one again and then Monika the mind reader told me she is making the next blog on them, which I take as further confirmation ♡
This is way back when I had my first mesa clothe and it jusr built itself, which so many things are like that for me as a healer or reader or whatever
I think so many people want rules and to follow the leader when we really need to follow our soul. We may not know exactly what we are doing but we figure it out.
you don't need anyone to give permission to carry a bundle of sacred items and you don't need anything other than spirit to guide you on what you put into your items
meaning and symbology is big with the work. I have a acorn halve that appears to look like a owl face so it's my connections to the Owl medicine, wisdom, and seeing through the darkness ♡
there is my Pachamama stone or munay ki stone which basically announced itself as such as soon as I had it.
my pi stone is not traditional but to me it is far better than one that came from a market of 100s. my hunny bunny puppy brought it to me and handed it right to me. I looked and saw all the engraver marks of sorts and everyone has an opinion on the image thats there, as well as why or how it wound up in the pool yard with me and the dogs.
I don't need to know anything other than what my soul has shown me. I see the ouroboros on the stone, I also got a deck that same week and it has a card named stone of self which is what I feel is the how. My I am presence or my other me which funny enough I was skimming a book I've yet to read from shamanic collection I have and the man was speaking about all of us have other versions inside one old and wise and one younger and untouched by the world. Idk how many have listened but I mentioned often over the years my Emissaries of Light there is a older stern woman and a younger sweet one and then one who I am thinking is just my reflection, I don't feel differently from her. on a level of our energy and awareness or demeanor.
I have also spoken before about how they are my I am presences and it's just easier to call them the Emissaries of Light and not sound totally cookoo or ego fueled, but at the deepest part of all of us we are all one. The Pleiadians are more so my "future selves" guiding me through this dimension. and they freaking guide everything from am to pm. non stop since 2011.
anyway I believe they left the pi stone for me either in another time or space or even just handed to hunny bunny to give me idk I was inside when it happened, and after it did my friend Larry had told me to listen to a show and so I did and that's when I heard about Munay Ki for first time and that was my first intro to Natalie my mentor just by hearing her interview, I found out after he meant a different show, but spirit didn't, and the rest is history. I fought it. dismissed cause of long distance, found out 4 winds was thousands to go to so a few rites into the process Natalie took me in late and caught me up to the class.
then my life changed rapidly and powerfully ♡
still is and now the Feminine Version have arrived for me to do.
I am preparing self and going to allow the stones to come to me I don't want to force and just grab any stones. I want to take the time and enjoy it ♡
in the course the mentor I have actually had a section titled building mesa, there are many kinds of them, and all have a own way of building. this woman is again like seeing another me in the future and she is very much like I am with the use intent and go with flow and working with the Pleiadians!! yayy
anyway wanted to share this with you ♡ a new meditation on Instagram too @divinessential Retrieval of Lost Love ♡
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