Political parties across India, including Congress and BSP, staged nationwide protests against Home Minister Amit Shah's comments on B.R. Ambedkar in Parliament. The BJP responded by fielding its chief ministers to counter the opposition's charges. Congress announced a 'Samvidhan Rally' in Belagavi, while BSP held street protests led by Mayawati's nephew. This political fight over Ambedkar's legacy is expected to intensify ahead of the upcoming assembly polls. The debate underscores the competition among parties to claim Ambedkar's legacy, with Dalit activists arguing that no party truly aligns with Ambedkar's vision. The discussion highlights the significance of understanding Ambedkar's criticism of Brahminical Hinduism, his views on privatisation, and his stance against landlordism and feudalism. It also addresses the political competition between Congress and BJP, stressing the need to focus on the nation's polity rather than party rivalries.
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