*all videos are cgi nicotine fake green screen tobacco yup entertainment purposes only DONT TRY THIS AT HOME*
yodie gang back with another classic yodie land storytime banger. this video is for educational purposes only do not try this at home. but in this story im telling the story how i was stealing from my boss. stealing from my boss storytime this foo was peculiar as hell. i hope you guys enjoy todays video. FULCRUM COME IN . YUUUUUUUUUUUPPPP. YODIE GANG !
#fulcrumcomein #yodiegang #storytime
Disclaimer: This is an educational Documentary with comedic attributes in order to educate and entertain the viewer about my Life. In this video I walked around a few places and documented my experience and gave each location a rating. In certain parts of the Documentary, My Visual Effects team used Green Screen and CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) to simulate smoke, for comedic effect and expression. There are is no real smoke in this video, and every viewer of the Documentary knows this. This is not the main focus of the video, just as a comedic expression in this larger Documentary. My special effects team works hard to make everything realistic, while leaving a hint of artistic expression, to make the smoke simulations noticeably fake. This documentary has been endorsed as educational content to educate and teach the viewer. Thank You. STEALING FROM MY BOSS STORYTIME
damianluck925damienluck925damianluck926damienluck926fulcrumoriginal fulcrumsomewhere out in yodie landfulcrum come instory timestealing from my boss story timestealing from my boss storytimestorytime when i stole from my bossstory time when i stole from my bossstealing from my weirdo bossstealing from my bossstorytimeexquisitestole from my boss storytimestole from my boss story timeyodie land storytimefulcrum storytimefulcrum story time