*"Raat"* (1992) is a gripping horror-thriller directed by Ram Gopal Varma. Starring Revathi, Om Puri, and Rohini Hattangadi, the film follows the chilling story of a family that moves into a new house. Strange and terrifying events begin to unfold, centering around the daughter, Mini, who becomes possessed by a vengeful spirit. The film masterfully builds suspense through eerie visuals and a haunting background score. With intense performances, particularly from Revathi, *Raat* became one of India's scariest and most influential horror films, leaving a lasting impact on the genre.
**Cast and Crew:**
*Raat (1992)*
- **Director:** Ram Gopal Varma
- **Producer:** Ram Gopal Varma
- **Main Cast:**
- Revathi as Mini
- Om Puri as Sharji
- Rohini Hattangadi as Shakuntala
- Anant Nag as the psychiatrist
- Akash Khurana as Mr. Sharma
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Raat 1992 full movie, Raat 1992 songs, Revathi Raat movie, Raat horror movie review, Ram Gopal Varma horror films, Hindi horror movies, Bollywood horror classics, Om Puri Raat movie
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