The prequel to Gundam SEED Freedom, "Moonlight Valkyrie" explores the relationships between Compass Members Agnes Giebenrath, Shinn Asuka, and Lunamaria Hawke as well as the sabotaging of Kira Yamato and the Rising Freedom. One thing is for sure - do not trust Agnes.
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0:00 Who is Agnes Giebenrath?
0:32 The Minerva Crew Remembers Agnes
1:22 The Moonlight Valkyrie
2:28 The Importance of Faith
3:38 Shinn Asuka's Backstory
5:30 Shinn and Luna Train
6:28 Do Not Trust Agnes
8:00 Agnes's New Partner
8:33 Rey Saves Shinn
9:48 Who is Leonard Valway?
10:18 The Rising Freedom and Immortal Justice
10:57 A Sinister Plot Unfolds
11:23 What Happens in Gundam SEED Freedom?
11:53 Kira Yamato and the Freedom Sabotaged
12:38 Will Agnes Betray Compass?
#gundam #gundamseed #seedfreedom #anime #gundamseeddestiny
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