walls aren't relevant anymore. it's time to move on to more advance technologies.
this krunkscript code that will allow you to teleport. u can use this in the games you make in the krunker editor for testing stuff, trolling, testing stuff, trolling, and much more! it's also a good replacement for the premium thing where it makes go into walls and things idk. yea enjoy
client side:
public action onKeyPress(str key, num code) {
if (code == 39) { #right arrow
} else if (code == 37) { #left arrow
} else if (code == 38) { #up arrow
} else if (code == 40) { #down arrow
} else if (code == 109) { #minus sign
} else if (code == 107) { #plus sign
server side:
public action onNetworkMessage(str id, obj data, str playerID) {
str message = toStr data;
obj playerName = GAME.PLAYERS.findByID(playerID);
str playerNameStr = toStr playerName.username;
if (playerNameStr == "XxxXX_rick_astley_pro_xXxXxx"){
if (message == "-z") {
(num) playerName.position.z -= 30;
} else if (message == "-x"){
(num) playerName.position.x -= 30;
} else if (message == "+z"){
(num) playerName.position.z += 30;
} else if (message == "+x"){
(num) playerName.position.x += 30;
} else if (message == "+y"){
(num) playerName.position.y += 60;
} else if (message == "-y"){
(num) playerName.position.y -= 10;
Ещё видео!