Tata Nexon EV Max has been launched in India, with the entry-level XZ+ variant costing 17.74 lakh and the top-end XZ+ Lux trim costing 19.24 lakh. This makes it significantly more expensive than the regular Nexon EV, which starts at 14.79 lakh and goes up to 17.4 lakh. The prices listed are all ex-showroom. In case you didn't know, the Tata Nexon EV Max is the long-range version of the Nexon EV and has been launched more than two years after the Indian carmaker launched its first all-electric EV in the country. In order to learn more about this EV and the company's future plans, Kranti Sambhav spoke with Mr. Anand Kulkarni, Vice President, Tata Passenger Electric Mobility Ltd. Watch this interview
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