Lés-a-Lés' 2nd stage hits the road, and keeps taking the participants north, from the city of Évora to the city of Guarda, passing through Serra da Estrela, Portugal's tallest mountain and some of the most beautiful and amazing roads of Portugal!
"So Stick around, cause I'm bringing you guys for the ride!!! ; )~"
Despite all odds, here we are, 1300 of us, to ride the 22nd edition of the Lés-a-Lés on road!!!
First day of what probably is the most challenging Lés-a-Lés to ever come to life!
During a time of world pandemic, this amazing and relentless organization, decided that bikers needed to get back on the road, without compromising their safety! This video series will show you how it all went down!
Lés-a-Lés 2020 - Day 3 Highlights
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