A look at the fixed star Antares, and its powerful effects on the horoscope. Jyeshtha people have guts, heart, and courage- but they can also fall prey to arrogance and being 'cursed' because of it. They are also secretive and mysterious, with a penchant for gambling. We look at this star by analyzing Michael Jordan's chart, with a peek at the power of Parivartana Yoga, or Mutual Reception, to activate these yoga taras.
For more information, and to take advantage of my Nakshatra Secrets course before the price doubles later this month, go to www.nakshatrasecrets.com and order it today. You'll get a 45 page handout with deep descriptions of all the nakshatras, a Nakshatra Secrets super spreadsheet with everything you wanted to know and more, and nine videos covering all 27 nakshatras.