Actors 'Brahmanandam' and 'Gopichand' attended the platinum disc launch of Telugu film ‘Loukyam’, in Hyderabad. The film is slated to release on 26 September and also stars Rakul Preet Singh. It has been directed by Sriwass, and Anoop Rubens is the music director. The film has been produced under the Bhavya Creations banner.
Loukyam is a telugu action movie acted by Tollywood villain turned Hero Gopichand. Lukyam is written by Sridhar Seepana and directed by Sriwaas. Rakul Preth Singh is playing the female lead in this movie. This movie is produced by V.Anand Prasad under Bhavya creations banner. Screenplay of this movie is given by Kona Venkat and Gopi Mohan. And the main of this movie audio is Anoop Rubens who has composed all the songs for this movie.
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