Another great music from kekkai sensen beyond OST a queen of the night is just amazing i keep discovering great musics in kekkai sensen beyond and i hope i will find more musics like a A QUEEN OF THE NIGHT
A QUEEN OF THE NIGHT has some awsome vocals realy great stuff
Kekkai sensen has some songs with perfect vocals and queen of the night is one of them
[All musics and artworks belongs to the respective owners.]
Kekkai Sensen & Beyond OST - A QUEEN OF THE NIGHT
kekkai sensenkekkai sensen beyondkekkai sensen ostkekkai sensen beyond ostkekkai sensen a queen of the nightkekkai sensen beyond a queen of the nightkekkai sensen ost a queen of the nightkekkai sensen beyond ost a queen of the nighta queen of the nighta queen of the night ostanimeostanime ostbeyonda queen of the night kekkai sensentortoise knighta queen of the night 血界戦線