Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath while addressing a public meeting at Muzaffarnagar in UP on March 28, took a jibe at the previous governments for rogue situations in Muzaffarnagar. He blamed the previous governments for months-long curfews that were imposed. Following this, he also said the situation has changed under the BJP government.
"When your votes used to go to the wrong hands, curfew used to be imposed in Muzaffarnagar for months. When your vote went to the right hands, Muzaffarnagar began to be known for 'kanwar yatra' and not curfew. When your votes went to the wrong hands, not only Muzaffarnagar but the whole of western Uttar Pradesh was thrown into the fire of anarchy and the security of the entire area was put under threat. The situation was so dangerous; that people were scared to come here. When your vote went to the right hands, to the right party, anarchy ended,” said Yogi Adityanath
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