Local Promo for the Syndicated Airing of the 14th Episode of the 3rd Season of Spin City "The Nutty Deputy Mayor" (originally aired on ABC January 12,1999) to air Wednesday October 4,2000 at 11pm on Houston's WB 39. This promo aired between commercial breaks after the airing of the 1st Episode/Season Premiere of the 4th Season of Dawson's Creek "Coming Home" which aired on The WB Wednesday Night October 4,2000 on Then WB Network Affiliate KHWB Houston's WB 39 in Houston, Texas. Currently KHWB has The CW Affiliation and goes by the callsigns KIAH. This came from a Recorded VHS I bought off eBay which also includes recordings from the original airings of Felicity during the Month of October 2000 on Houston's WB 39 during the Fall 2000 Season as well as a half recording of Late Night with Dave Letterman on CBS 11 KHOU and a half recording of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on KPRC NBC 2.
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