WoT replays - best World of Tanks games
The T49 is a American tier 9 light tank.
The T49 is part of the American light tank line.
#WorldofTanks #WoT #wotreplays
Battle Stats:
martinkvic2320 [JM-CZ]
Map Redshire
Damage 6304
Frags 4
- blocked damage
Medals: 9
Ace Tanker, Spotter, Bruiser, Arsonist, Fighter, Fire for Effect, Patrol Duty, Confederate, High Caliber,
Mods used for the replay recordings: aslains modpack from wgmods(dot)net
World of Tanks
T49: DERP TIME #139 - World of Tanks
WOTWorld of TanksWorldofTankswargaminggamesbest World of Tanks replaysSpielreplaywot wn8wotreplayswotstatsworld of tanks blitzwot replaysTANKStanks2021Panzerмир танковświat czołgówmonde des charsT49Americantier 9light tankAmerican light tank lineMap RedshireAce TankerSpotterBruiserArsonistFighterFire for EffectPatrol DutyConfederateHigh Caliber