This is a rare archival piece from classic times in the BBC. I remember seeing it as part of a graduate recruitment drive by the BBC when they were preparing for the new BBC-2 channel. It persuaded me to join the BBC as a General Film Trainee and so benefit from one of the best training schemes anywhere in the world. The film was transferred to VHS many years ago from a 16mm copy held in BBC-Scotland's station in Aberdeen, and in the days when they still had a telecine machine!
The film is BBC copyright, I do not own it, and I have posted it purely as a piece of historical interest for all to see.
First transmitted on BBC Television on 29th June 1960. Written and produced by Richard Cawston. The film, which won a British Film Academy Award, tells the story of an imaginary day in the life of the BBC. It takes viewers behind the scenes of both sound radio and television to show the BBC's huge organisation at work-engineers, planners, producers, artists, musicians, personalities - a cast of 1,200 in all. Among those who appear are: Flora Robson, John Gregson, Beryl Grey, Richard Dimbleby, Francis Williams, Richard Murdoch, Kenneth Horne, Jean Metcalfe, Cliff Michelmore, Cy Grant, Eamonn Andrews, Wynford Vaughan Thomas, Raymond Glendenning, Peter O'Sullevan, Arthur Garratt, Roy Plomley, Frank Muir, Denis Norden, Edward J. Mason, Geoffrey Webb, The George Mitchell Singers, The Television Toppers, The Allegri String Quartet. BBC Symphony Orchestra Conducted by Rudolf Schwarz BBC Northern Dance Orchestra Conducted by Alyn Ainsworth The Eric Robinson Orchestra
This listing has been extracted from the Radio Times Genome website.
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