Leonard Cohen...Almost Like The Blues ..( 2014)
Album : «Popular Problems»
Sony Music Entertainment.
The Grammy Award for the entire supply of music Leonard Cohen has been in the making a new album, which will be released shortly after his 80th birthday on 21 September (1934). The title will be «Popular Problems» and through it we can now hear the «Almost Like the Blues» showing that the artist remains creative and thriving even in this age.
Ο βραβευμένος με Grammy για το σύνολο της προσφοράς του στη μουσική Leonard Cohen έχει στα σκαριά ένα ολοκαίνουριο δίσκο, που αναμένεται να κυκλοφορήσει λίγο μετά τα 80α γενέθλιά του, στις 21 Σεπτεμβρίου (1934). Ο τίτλος θα είναι «Popular Problems» και μέσα απ' αυτόν μπορούμε πλέον να ακούσουμε το «Almost Like the Blues» που δείχνει πως ο καλλιτέχνης παραμένει ακμαίος και δημιουργικός ακόμα και σ' αυτή την ηλικία.
I saw some people starving
There was murder, there was rape
Their villages were burning
They were trying to escape
I couldn’t meet their glances
I was staring at my shoes
It was acid, it was tragic
It was almost like the blues
It was almost like the blues
I have to die a little
between each murderous plot
and when I’m finished thinking
I have to die a lot
There’s torture, and there’s killing
and there’s all my bad reviews
The war, the children missing, lord
It’s almost like the blues
It’s almost like the blues
Though I let my heart get frozen
to keep away the rot
my father says I’m chosen
my mother says I’m not
I listened to their story
of the gypsies and the Jews
It was good, it wasn’t boring
It was almost like the blues
It was almost like the blues
There is no G-d in heaven
There is no hell below
So says the great professor
of all there is to know
But I’ve had the invitation
that a sinner can’t refuse
It’s almost like salvation
It’s almost like the blues
It’s almost like the blues
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