Hi friends, this is part 2 on quick pvp tips to help you understand some of the mechanics that are under explained or just not explained at all in Lost Ark. Shout out to Robert for the questions that inspired me to make this video! Thank you all so much for watching!
0:00 Intro
0:21 Shoutout to Robert!
0:46 Grounded State (Scales) Pt 1.
1:43 Stagger After CC (Comboing)
2:24 Grounded Pt2 + Immunities (White and Yellow Outline)
4:36 CC Durations and Timers
5:25 Skill White Outline
5:51 Current Shields in the Game
6:38 Thank you!
7:09 LOL
Lost Ark - 6 QUICK PVP TIPS Pt. 2
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