EP–133 K.O.II is a 64 MB sampler and composer. just like its pocket-sized predecessor PO-33 K.O!, this sampler is a mighty contender on the stage, in the studio and in the ring. sample directly from your favorite source using the built in mic or 3.5 mm input jack,
sync and sequence your entire setup using sync and midi in/out. power it all with just 4x AAA batteries. make your next hit with punch-in effects 2.0™ then smash your beat with the built in distortion and FX.
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Vintage Synth Samples on the EP133
synthesizersynthsynthssynthesizersEP-133KO IIKOIIEP 133demosound democuckoojamjammingTEnewpocket operatorPO-33PO-33 KOsamplersamplesbassmusicsynth newsdecima1new geargearsonicstatetp–7 field recorderTeenage EngineeringfieldTX-6EP–133 K.O.IIFXpocket operator EPEP133OP-133EP-134EP-233EP-322ep 1new synth gearunboxingunboxtutorialno talkingfxbatteryshortshortsmichow to updatehow toupdatingupdateK.O.IIusbambient