Round 3 - Game 2 of Flight Academy Season 4 - Empire V Empire
Opponents - Fraser (Empire) V Wes (Empire)
Format: 9 player Round Robin with a top 4 cut..
The winner scores 3 points, each player scores a point for reach ship destroyed
Round time: 25 minutes followed by Final Salvo should there still be no winner.
Ship Builds: 10 points, 2 Small base ships only, no Ion cannon turret.
Game Rules: 2.5 rules, obstacles, range 0 etc.
Board size: Reduced by ranges 1.
Set up Range 1-2 of original edge.
4 Obstacles.
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Commentary by Phil & James
00:00 Intro
00:23 Turn 1
02:30 Turn 2
07:59 Turn 3
12:43 Turn 4
15:58 Turn 5
Fraser (Empire)
Second Sister (5)
Extreme Maneuvers (5)
Deadeye Shot (1)
Proton Rockets (8)
Vult Skerris (TIE Interceptor) (4)
Juke (6)
Total: 9
Wes (Empire)
Captain Jonus (5)
Cluster Missiles (4)
Skilled Bombardier (2)
Proton Bombs (4)
Major Rhymer (5)
Proton Torpedoes (12)
Total: 10