First popularized as a genre of literature in the 1920s, for decades science fiction was dominated by white male authors. That is until Octavia Butler, an African American woman, rewrote the script.
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Octavia Butler
Octavia ButlerScience FictionAuthorWriterLiteratureNovelBooksStoryStorytellerTrailblazerGender EqualityCreativityAdventureIntrovertCaliforniaReadReadingComprehensionDyslexiaAfrican AmericanB-MovieDevil Girl From MarsCinemaTypewriterMagazinePublicationPublishRejectionPatternmasterDystopianSocietyMind ControlKindredCharacterDanaAncestorsBlackWhiteRaceEnslavedVisionaryRacial JusticeInequalityDiversePopularAfrofuturismIdentityExperience