In a tragic loss of the Indian film industry, famous television and Bollywood actor, Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide in his Bandra flat this morning. He hanged himself from the ceiling with a green sheet in his Mumbai home. It is to be said that he was suffering from clinical depression for the last 6 months. Sushant, in the morning at 10 am apparently had juice and went into his bedroom and was never seen again. Later, his friend tried to open the bedroom door, but couldn't. There was no answer from inside, which led him to call the house staff and a local key maker. The door was opened with the help of a duplicate key. Then the police and ambulance were called. The Police have also informed that a week back his secretary committed suicide and coincidently just a week after Sushant commits suicide also. So, the police will also be looking into this matter thoroughly. Shushant''s friends and colleagues from the Bollywood industry share their heartfelt words about him. Watch to find out more.
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