Industry Kills Channel presents: Suicidal Angels live in Thessaloniki-Greece @ 8Ball Live Stage (Saturday 23/3/2013).
With support by Chronosphere, Spellbound & Vermillion Days.
Suicidal Angels Setlist:
1) θα εκραγώ (Α. Βαρδής) & jaws (OST) intro (recorded)
2) bloodbath (recorded)
3) bleeding holocaust (recorded)
4) morbid intention to kill
5) summoning of the dead (recorded)
6) reborn in violence (recorded)
7) torment payback
8) bleeding cries
9) pestilence of the saints (recorded)
10) the prophecy
11) vomit on the cross
12) crematory
13) chaos (recorded)
14) moshing crew (recorded)
15) beggar of scorn (recorded)
16) apokathilosis (recorded)
SUICIDAL ANGELS pestilence of saints
industry killsink channelSuicidal AngelsAthensThessalonikiGreeceThrash metaljawsbloodbathbleeding holocaustmorbid intention to killsummoning of the deadreborn in violencetorment paybackbleeding criespestilence of the saintsthe prophecyvomit on the crosscrematorychaosmoshing crewbeggar of scornapokathilosis