DU or Die is a Main Story Quest (Operation) in Far Cry 6. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the DU or Die main mission.
Region: Isla Santuario
Sub-Region: Quito
Quest Giver: Juan Cortez
Requirement: having completed Operation “Juan of a Kind”
Reward: 100 XP, 250 Uranium, Tostador (Resolver Weapon), Exterminador (Assaulter Supremo) Parachute as a permanent gear, Watch (Wrist Gear)
Mission Info: I need you to steal a thing for me. There’s a contact you’ll meet who will tell you where to go and what to do. Any questions? No? Good.
00:00 Talk to Juan’s contact عليك التحدث إلى وسيطة خوان
14:15 Follow Raiza عليك اتباع رايسا
16:15 Bribe the Soldado with Yaran Pesos عليك عرض رشوة على الجنود بعملات بيسو المحلية
16:43 Follow Raiza عليك اتباع رايسا
17:12 Scout Fort Quito استطلاع حصن كيتو
18:50 Steal the depleted Uranium يجب سرقة اليورانيوم المنضب
22:53 Deliver the depleted Uranium to Juan يجب تسليم اليورانيوم المنضب إلى خوان
#howto #FarCry6 #walkthrough #DUorDie #FollowRaiza #ScoutFortQuito #ScoutFortQuito #DeliverthedepletedUraniumtoJuan #StealthedepletedUranium #ign #UbiForward
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