#CASansaar #UnionBudget2020 #Budget2020 #Budget
Analysis of Union Budget 2020 - Direct Tax Proposals by CA. Kapil Goel with CA. Vivek Khurana.
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This Video is analysis of Union Budget 2020 on Direct Tax Proposals.
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Analysis of Union Budget 2020 by CA. Kapil Goel
Union BudgetBudgetUnionBudgetUnionBudget2020Budget2020Union Budget 2020Income TaxCACA SansaarCA Vivek khuranaCA Kapil GoelVivek KhuranaKapil GoelFinance BillICAIChartered AccountantsDividend Distribution TaxTDSTaxVivad se Vishwas SchemeVivad se Vishwas115BAC115OTax AuditTax Audit Limit194AIncome Tax New Slab80CChapter VIADeductionsExemptions271ADDfaceless penaltyfaceless appealfaceless assessment119New Income Tax Slab