all lux skins 2020
03:06 Battle Academia Lux Prestige Edition - Mythic skin
06:08 Elementalist Lux - Ultimate skin: 3250 RP
00:00 Dark Cosmic Lux - Legendary skin: 1820 RP
01:02 Cosmic Lux - Legendary skin: 1820 RP
02:05 Battle Academia Lux - Epic skin: 1350 RP
04:07 Pajama Guardian Lux - Epic skin: 1350 RP
05:08 Lunar Empress Lux - Epic skin: 1350 RP
07:08 Star Guardian Lux - Epic skin: 1350 RP
08:10 Steel Legion Lux - Standard skin: 975 RP
09:12 Imperial Lux - Standard skin: 975 RP
11:17 Spellthief Lux - Budged skin: 750 RP
10:13 Commando Lux - Timeworn skin: 520 RP
12:18 Sorceress Lux - Timeworn skin: 520 RP
13:20 Original Lux - 790 RP
#Lux #DarkCosmic #Cosmic #BattleAcademia #Elementalist #PajamaGuardian #Prestige #Lunar #StarGuardian
All Lux Skins Spotlight (2010 - 2020) League of Legends
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