UAE MuayThai Youth Championship registration is open for 12 to 17 years old talents🥊
Because you are the future, our priority is to open up opportunities to all youth to step into that ring and compete on a higher level!
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United Arab MuayThai or “UAM” is a corporation owned by the United Arab MuayThai and Kick Boxing Federation.
UAM’s mission is to invest and to promote the MuayThai games covering the Arab world.
It aims to continuously improve and enhance the quality of the MuayThai and kick boxing experience on all levels reaching new heights and making a significant contribution to the success of this rising sports.
Enjoy the UAM experience, the first dedicated app of its kind as it brings you the latest MuayThai news, Arab events and championships
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UAE MuayThai Youth Championship 2021
muaythaimmakickboxingboxingfitnessmartialartsfightermuaymuaythailifemuaythaifighterthaiboxingmuaythaitrainingmuaythailifestylemuaythaikidsmuaythaifightmuaythaymuaythaifitnessmuaythaicampmuaythaigymmuaythailoversworkoutmixedmartialartsthaiboxermmafighteruamuampromkfeduaemkfedunitedarabmuaythaimuaythaiuaekickboxinguaeuamuaetrainwithuammaxfittrainingmaxfitmaxfituammaxfitworkoutifmamuaythaiofficialwelovemuaythaimuaythailoveifmamuaithaimuaithayk-1 combat