My 21 tips and tricks for the Sony Xperia 10 II.
Tip 1 Gesture Navigation: 00:30
Tip 2 Custom White Balance: 01:30
Tip 3 Swipe up to Multiwindow: 02:07
Tip 4 Configure Side Sense: 02:55
Tip 5 Double Tap Power for starting camera: 07:35
Tip 6 Object Tracking: 08:53
Tip 7 Turn off Soft Skin: 09:39
Tip 8 QR-Code Reader: 09:45
Tip 9 Smile Detection Shutter: 10:04
Tip 10 Burst shooting: 11:18
Tip 11 Volume keys as shutter: 11:44
Tip 12 USB-OTG Support: 12:44
Tip 13 Stamina Batter Saving: 13:16
Tip 14 Enable DSEE HX for better Sound: 14:14
Tip 15 Smartlock: 14:53
Tip 16 Encrypt SD Card: 16:25
Tip 17 Screen Pinning: 16:56
Tip 18 Disable animation: 18:35
Tip 19 Smart Backlight Control: 19:24
Tip 20 Smart Call Handling: 20:43
Tip 21 Reset Options: 21:40
Xperia10 II Tips & Tricks
SonyXperia10mark 2IITipsTricksTippsSecretsTuningTweakingHiddenSettingsHintsConvenienceFeaturesSoftwareAndroidAppsConfigurationOptionsSmartControlsBacklightCameraKameraburstvolume keyssmile detectionobject trackingstaminagesturessystemqr-codeswipeside senseencryptionencryptsd cardmicrosddouble tapmultiwindowmultitaskingpinningappusbotgusb-cdseehxanimationlocklockinghand detectionselfie