Canto X of Dante’s Paradiso - commentary.
Heaven of the Sun. Meeting with St. Thomas Aquinas. The first twelve wise souls.
00:00 Canto X
07:40 Part 1 - The Trinity
14:15 Part 2 - Dante addressing us
24:00 Part 3 - Presentation of the 4th sphere
29:11 Part 4 - The importance of giving thanks
31:05 Part 5 - What Dante is seeing
34:51 Part 6 - The 12 wise souls
40:56 Part 7 - Intellectual Tolerance and Harmony
What is the ecliptic? [ Ссылка ]
Soundtrack: "Helios Overture, Op. 17", Carl Nielsen
[ Ссылка ]
Translations used for this video:
Allen Mandelbaum [ Ссылка ]
Robert Hollander [ Ссылка ]
Robin Kirkpatrick [ Ссылка ]
PARADISO CANTO X Commentary and Analysis
Religionatheismparadiso canto xixdivine comedydante divine comedydante paradisodante's paradiseparadisoparadiso dante lecturedante paradiso summarydivine comedy summaryparadise summarydante paradise summarydante paradise canto xxviidivine comedy lessondivine comedy lecturecanto 33 paradiseparadiso reviewdivine comedy reviewfaithdifferent religionscanto 10paradiso canto 10canto xparadise canto 10dante paradiso 10paradiso 10