This video showcases a woman walking on a wooden bridge through the woods. There is text on the screen that says: "Accessible Hike on the North Oregon Coast: Kilchis Reserve."
When we design with accessibility in mind, we have the ability to transform places and activities into opportunities for everyone. Accessibility is not just about making accommodations for those who need it, it’s about creating inclusive experiences where everyone can participate.
We received approval to post this video with the aim of raising awareness about the creator and the important topics they discuss. Video Credit: @wildoregongirl/IG
Ablr is a full-service disability inclusion organization, and our mission is to remove barriers for all people with disabilities. We do this by eliminating the digital divide, changing the mindsets of people and organizations, and creating pathways to employment.
#Accessibility #Innovation #AssistiveTechnology #Inclusivity
Accessible Hike on the North Oregon Coast: Kilchis Reserve
inclusionequityblindlow visionDisability inclusionAccessibility AwarenessDiversityDEIAblr WorksDisability Inclusion TrainingAccessibility ServicesWorkforce DevelopmentPhysical Accessibility & Universal DesignAblr 360Accessibility AuditingAccessibility Conformance ReportAccessibility TrainingAccessibility MonitoringADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)Automated TestingCognitive ImpairmentMotor AbilitiesDigital EqualityWebsite Usability