The Mahmal (المحمل) was a historic tradition for the Hajj, the obligatory Islamic pilgrimage, where a Sultan with the blessing of a caliph would send a Mahmal, a highly decorated empty camel litter, and an accompanying delegation procession to the Hajj towards Mecca representing the Sultan and Caliph by proxy. This video is about this Hajj tradition and how it relates to politics & the holy city of Mecca and traditions such the the kiswa clothing of the ka'ba.
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Sources and further reading:
Faroqhi, Suraiya (1994). Pilgrims and sultans: the Hajj under the Ottomans 1517-1683. London: I. B. Tauris
Gulevich, Tanya (2004). Understanding Islam and Muslim traditions: an introduction to the religious practices, celebrations, festivals, observances, beliefs, folklore, customs, and calendar system of the world's Muslim communities, including an overview of Islamic history and geography. Detroit, Mich.: Omnigraphics
Gouda, Abdelaziz (1989). Die Kiswa der Kaʻba in Makka.. Diss. Berlin : Freie Univ.
Ḥilmī, Ibrāhīm (1993). al-Maḥmal: raḥalāt šaʻbīya fī wijdān al-umma. [Kairo]: Maktabat at-Turāt̲ al-islāmī
Irwin, Robert (2012). "Journey to Mecca: A History (Part 2)". In Porter, Venetia (ed.). Hajj : journey to the heart of Islam. London: British Museum Press. pp. 140–145.
Jomier, Jacques (1953). Le mahmal et la caravane égyptienne des pélerins de la Mecque (13e - 20e siècles).: [Diss. Paris.] [Illustr.]. Diss.
McGregor, Richard J. A. (2020). Islam and the devotional object : seeing religion in Egypt and Syria. Cambridge, United Kingdom. pp. 52–53
Muḥammad Ṣādiq (1880). Mashʻal al-maḥmal: risālah fī sayr al-ḥājj al-miṣrī barran min yawm khurūjihi min Miṣr ilá yawm ʻawdatihi madhkūr bihi kayfīyat adāʼ al-farīḍah. al-Qāhirah:
Porter, Venetia (2013). "The Mahmal Revisited". In Porter, Venetia; Saif, Liana (eds.). The Hajj: collected essays. London: British Museum. p. 199.
Porter, Venetia & Abdel Haleem, M. A. (red.) (2012). Hajj: journey to the heart of Islam. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press
The Khalili Collections for various pictures & info.
#Mahmal #hajjtraditions #Hajj #history #Islamic_traditions #arabichistory #mecca #Mecca_history #HajjHistory #islamichistory
Dark Side History: The Mahmal For Hajj & its History!
Dark Side History: The Mahmal For Hajj & its history!HistoryMahmalالمحملThe MahmalHajjMahmal HajjMahmal to MeccaMahmal traditionHajj traditionHajj MahmalMecca KiswaKiswa MahmalKaabaMahmal KaabaIslamic MahmalMahmal PilgrimsMahmal Hajj PilgrimsHajj HistoryMahmalhajjtraditionsHajjhistoryIslamic_traditionsarabichistorymeccaMecca_historyHajjHistoryIslamichistoryFor HajjMahamalal-MaḥmalMahaamilMaḥmalal-Maḥamil