The BJP is protesting outside the Delhi Jal Board office against the water crisis in the capital. BJP Delhi Chief alleges that there are parts of Delhi which have not received water for the last 3-4 days. BJP leaders question what happened to Arvind Kejriwal's promise of water supply.
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BJP targets Kejriwal for water scarcity in Delhi
bjpbharatiya janata partyprotestprotestingoutsidedelhi jal boarddelhi jal board officeofficewater crisiswater scarcitywatercapitalnew delhinational capitaldelhicrisiswater shortagebjp delhi chiefbjp leadersleadersarvindkejriwalarvind kejriwalarvind kejriwal's promisekejriwal's promisepromisewater supplytargetsBJP targets kejriwalwater scarcity in delhinationalindia progressing