#patriji #pssm #pmcenglish #Karmasiddhant
In this video, Patriji explains Karma Siddhant. He says all problems are because of past karma. It doesn’t matter who they are: daughter, son, brother, whoever. Come out of your relationships. We have to pay for our past karma from past lives and also from this lifetime. Only then can we become liberated or enlightened. Karma Siddhant is “As you sow, so you reap.” As we keep paying, we keep clearing our karma.
🍀👀👀 Watch this video to know in detail. Stay tuned for more. 👀👀🍀
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Become a Master and learn from every Master.
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“Subhash” was born in the year 1947 at Shakkarnagar, Bodhan, Nizamabad dist. (Andhra Pradesh) to Patri Venkata Ramana Rao and Savitri Devi. “Subhash” became enlightened in the year 1979, after some serious experiments with meditation. Since then, Patriji began striving hard to awaken and enlighten each and every individual. In the year 1997, in the temple town of Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, all the pyramid masters gathered and conferred the title of “Brahmarshi” on Patriji. Recently, in the year 2018, at the Global Festival of Spiritual Scientists in Pyramid Valley International in Bengaluru, Patriji was conferred the title “Pitamaha” by the collectivity of Himalayan masters.
🍀👀👀 Watch this video to know in detail. Stay tuned for more. 👀👀🍀
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Become a Master and learn from every Master.
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Patriji English takes you deep into the world of New Age Spirituality. Patriji English brings you talks on multiple spiritual concepts from Brahmarshi Pitamaha Patriji. His simple tagline "Your Breath is your Guru" with 18 guiding principles paved the way for "Dhyana Jagath" (Meditation World), "Shaakahaara Jagath" (Vegetarian World - Non-Violence), and "Pyramid Jagath" (Pyramid World).
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Karma Siddhant | Patriji | Patriji English
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