Kolkata, Sep 18 (ANI): West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Friday said that it was a historic day as her government has made all files related to legendary freedom fighter Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose public, adding that the people have the right to know about him. “Today is a historic day. Our government has made all Netaji files public. People have the right to know about the brave son of India,” she tweeted. Banerjee later visited the Kolkata Police Museum and also went through the original files of Netaji. The files, in dilapidated condition, contain crucial information about Netaji's life between 1937 and 1947. The West Bengal Government today declassified 64 files pertaining to the last days of Netaji. Police Commissioner Surojit Kar Pura Kayasto released the files at a ceremony at the Kolkata Police Museum. The 12,744 pages of the 64 files have been digitised in the form of DVDs. The original files are kept at the Kolkata Police Museum and will be open for public viewing from next Monday.
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